The Amiga Aminet archive is available now on CDROM.  The disc contains the
entire Aminet from as of mid-May 1993.  It also contains
the old AB20 archive and most of comp.sources.amiga and comp.binaries.amiga.
We had to leave off some of the older comp.binaries.amiga files because the
disc was too full.  There is a total of 650 meg of stuff on this disc.

The disc is in Level-2 ISO-9660, which means that filenames are up to
32 characters, single case.  We made sure the filenames are unique in
the first 8 chars, so this disc will work okay MSDOS too.  The disc has
index files for several MSDOS BBS's.

The disc contains thousands of programs, including utilities, games,
development tools, graphics, business software, hardware documents,
sound and music programs, and much more.  If you want to check out what
is on this disc, the readme and index files are available via anonymous
ftp from in the directory /cdrom/cdroms/aminet.

The price is $25.  S&H is $5 (per order, not per disc) for US/Can/Mex, and
$10 for overseas.  If you live in California, please add sales tax.  You can
send a check or money order, or you can order with Visa/MC/AmEx.

        Bob Bruce
        Walnut Creek CDROM
        4041 Pike Lane, Suite D-910
        Concord CA, 94520

        +1 800 786-9907, +1 510 674-0783, +1 510 674-0821 FAX

The disc is also available by subscription for $19.95 + S&H per quarter ($5
off the regular price).  If you want to subscribe, your credit card will be
charged as each new edition is shipped.  New editions will come out every
three or four months.  We need to have at least 100 people subscribe in order
to make the subscription service successful.

This disc is *FREE* for any author whose work is included on the CDROM.
If you want a free disc, please email me the name of the program you wrote
and a complete postal address.  Overseas addresses are okay.

I would like to thank several people that helped make this disc a reality,
including Urban Mueller, Brian Wright, Mike Stark, Chuck Woo, and all the
authors and artists who contributed to Aminet.

For a list of other CD ROMs, you can ftp the latest catalog from, or send email to

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